PRICE GUIDE: 5cm $14-$18 A popular choice of Dwarf Gourami is the iridescent Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami. Sought after males of this selectively bred specimen only
PRICE GUIDE: 5cm $10-$13 Another selectively bred Dwarf Gourami is the striking Honey Dwarf Gourami or Red Honey Dwarf Gourami. Sought after males of this selectively
Black Widow Tetras and Gold Widow Tetras are another on of those very hardy type larger tetras. Their distinctive shape, hardiness and peaceful nature makes
Another fantastic tetra for the tropical aquarium is the impressive Black Phantom Tetra. They are light grey in coloring, with a black patch, surrounded by iridescent silver
A popular tetra that we sell are the striking Black Neon tetras. They are of plain basic coloration but with two distinct, adjacent longitudinal stripes, white
Common Name: Yabby / Yabbie Scientific Name: Cherax destructor Size: Can grow to 20cm or more Distribution: Cherax destructor is the most widely distributed Cherax