
January 24, 2012 Rob 0

The guppy is a very popular tropical fish for a community setup. This beautiful top dweller is an elongated fish with an up-turned mouth and

Silver Shark

Silver Shark

January 24, 2012 Rob 0

Silver Sharks (commonly also referred to as Bala Sharks) are by far the most sought after freshwater shark in the aquarium trade. Young specimens are

Rainbow Shark

January 24, 2012 Rob 0

An attractive shark with its grey body and red-orange finnage is the boisterous Rainbow Shark. They are narrow and elongated with a pointy snout and

Flying Fox Shark

Siamese Flying Fox

January 23, 2012 Rob 0

If you have clumps of that green hair or black beard algae growing in your tank then you might want to consider adding the resourceful Siamese

Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami

January 23, 2012 Rob 0

PRICE GUIDE: 5cm $14-$18 A popular choice of Dwarf Gourami is the iridescent Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami. Sought after males of this selectively bred specimen only

Red Honey Dwarf Gourami

Red Honey Dwarf Gourami

January 23, 2012 Rob 0

PRICE GUIDE: 5cm $10-$13 Another selectively bred Dwarf Gourami is the striking Honey Dwarf Gourami or Red Honey Dwarf Gourami. Sought after males of this selectively

Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf Gourami

January 23, 2012 Rob 0

PRICE GUIDE: 5cm $12-$15 Popular for its beautiful red and blue colouration is the humble Dwarf Gourami. Of all the Dwarf Gourami varieties, this is

Coral Blue Gourami

Blue Coral Gourami

January 22, 2012 Rob 0

PRICE GUIDE: 5cm $15-$18 A popular choice of Dwarf Gourami is the iridescent Coral Blue Dwarf Gourami. Sought after males of this selectively bred specimen only grows

Sailfin Pleco / Gibbicep

Sailfin Pleco / L165 / L083

January 22, 2012 Rob 0

A much sort after monster catfish for a large freshwater tropical aquarium is the fantastic Common Pleco, Sailfin Pleco or as they are sometimes referred

Clown Loach

Clown Loach

January 19, 2012 Rob 0

An extremely popular addition to a Tropical Community tank or an African Cichlid tank is the unusual Clown Loach. Clown Loaches feature a long and laterally

Cardinal tetras

Cardinal Tetra

January 18, 2012 Rob 0

A nice addition to the tropical community tank is the Cardinal Tetra. Yes, appearance is very similar to the Neon Tetra but these fish are

Bumblebee Goby

Bumblebee Goby

January 18, 2012 Rob 0

Despite the picture making them look quite large, Bumblebee Goby’s are a tiny little fish that isn’t much bigger than the length of your thumbnail.

Bristlenose Catfish

Bristlenose Catfish / L 183

January 18, 2012 Rob 0

Bristlenose Catfish are one of the most sort-after tropical fish asked for in an aquarium shop. These fish are fantastic in a tropical aquarium mainly

Three Spot Gourami

Three Spot Gourami

January 18, 2012 Rob 0

PRICE GUIDE 5cm: $8-$12 7cm: $12-$18 One of the most enjoyable community fish available today is the Blue or Three Spot Gourami. Their good looks

Black Widow Tetra

Black Widow Tetra

January 17, 2012 Rob 0

Black Widow Tetras and Gold Widow Tetras are another on of those very hardy type larger tetras. Their distinctive shape, hardiness and peaceful nature makes

Black Shark

Black Shark

January 17, 2012 Rob 0

Black Sharks are for those of you with a freshwater tropical aquarium of a very large size. These fish are usually sold at around 5cm

Black Phantom tetra - female

Black Phantom Tetra

January 17, 2012 Rob 0

Another fantastic tetra for the tropical aquarium is the impressive Black Phantom Tetra. They are  light grey in coloring, with a black patch, surrounded by iridescent silver

Black Neon tetra

Black Neon Tetra

January 16, 2012 Rob 0

A popular tetra that we sell are the striking Black Neon tetras. They are of plain basic coloration but with two distinct, adjacent longitudinal stripes, white

Black Ghost Knife

Black Ghost Knife

January 16, 2012 Rob 0

One of the most unique and attractive community fish available today is the magnificent Black Ghost Knife. These majestic fish hover using a wave like


Yabby Care Sheet

January 15, 2012 Rob 0

Common Name: Yabby / Yabbie Scientific Name: Cherax destructor Size: Can grow to 20cm or more Distribution: Cherax destructor is the most widely distributed Cherax

Cyphotilapia frontosa

Frontosa – Cyphotilapia frontosa

January 15, 2012 Rob 0

The king of Lake Tanganyika. Frontosa’s are highly sort after by African Cichlid enthusiasts all over the world, mainly for their unique look, size, longevity,

White Spot on Black Moor

White Spot or Ich

January 15, 2012 Rob 0

Whitespot (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) is a common parasite found on fish in aquariums. It is an easy problem to spot, where a fish looks as if

Green Pennywort

Green Pennywort – Plant Profile

January 15, 2012 Rob 0

Hydrocotyle leucocephala Care Level: Easy Lighting: Moderate Placement: Background / Mid Ground Suitable For: Aquarium only Depth: Fully submersed True under water plant? Yes Water



January 12, 2012 Rob 0

Probably the most identifiable tropical fish in the freshwater trade is the impressive Angelfish. Larger specimens have a bad reputation for being bullish toward smaller fish, however they are certainly worth

Pepper Cory

Pepper Cory

January 11, 2012 Rob 0

One of the easiest fish to keep is the  playful Albino Cory. These bottom dwelling fish are hardy, peaceful, entertaining and also practical in that

Bronze Cory

Bronze Cory

January 11, 2012 Rob 0

One of the easiest fish to keep is the  playful Bronze Cory. These bottom dwelling fish are hardy, peaceful, entertaining and also practical in that