Black Widow Tetra

Black Widow Tetra
Black Widow Tetra
Black Widow Tetra
Black Widow Tetra

Black Widow Tetras and Gold Widow Tetras are another on of those very hardy type larger tetras. Their distinctive shape, hardiness and peaceful nature makes them an ideal choice for a tropical community aquarium, or even in a cold water set up.

Common Name(s) : Black Widow tetra

Family : Characidae


Species : Gymnocorymbus ternetzi

Origin : South America – Paraguay & Bolivia

PH : 6.0 – 7.5

Hardness : Soft to Hard

Temperature : 16- 28°C / 61–82°F

Maximum Size : 5cm / 2′

Lifespan : 5 years

Aggression Level : Low (2/10)

Recommended Tank Size : 30 Litres +

Strata : Bottom Half


Prefer a planted tank. Add some driftwood plants to help create their natural environment.


  • Most Large / Medium Tropical Fish
  • Goldfish
  • Dwarf Cichlids


Omnivores, in the wild they eat very small invertebrates and plants. In the aquarium they will accept a wide range of foods including flake, small pellets, bloodworms and brine shrimp.


Female black widows are generally larger than the males and have a rounder body. In the female the anal fin runs parallel with the vertical black stripe in her abdomen.

Males are smaller, have a broader anal fin, and a narrower more pointed dorsal fin. Males occasionally have white spots on the caudal fin.

To breed them, condition a male and female for several weeks feeding them plenty of frozen food. Remove a male and a female into a bare glass bottom tank. Drop the hardness of the water to 4dGH and the PH to 5.5. Keep lighting to a minimum (promotes fungal growth in the eggs) and add some floating plants. They will scatter eggs within days, and once you have spotted the tiny little eggs, remove the parents and add them back into the community tank once again.


Black Widow Tetras are another on of those very hardy type larger tetras. Their distinctive shape, hardiness and peaceful nature makes them an ideal choice for a tropical community aquarium, or even in a cold water set up.

Originating in Bolivia and Paraguay, they are found in rivers and streams featuring dense planted areas of weed. For this reason it is recommended you replicate a similar setup for your aquarium.

Like all tetras, we also recommend you keep them in a school of 6 or more. They will however school up with other tetras of similar size and shape.

Black Widow Tetras survive a wide range of water parameters .. the water PH can be anywhere between 6 and 7.5 and the ideal temperature between 22°C and 28°C. These fish however have been well known to survive in cold water.


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