Celestial Pearl Danio (Galaxy Rasbora) Danio margaritatus

Celestial Pearl Danio

In 2006 this stunning little fish was discovered outside a small village named Hopong in Myanmar (formerly Burma.) Now known as the Celestial Pearl Danio, it was originally classified as a Rasbora (Galaxy Rasbora – Microrasbora sp. ‘Galaxy’) but is now considered a danio.

These fish are tiny and best suited with smaller other small tank mates. They prefer a densley planted tank which replicates their habitat in the wild.

Common Name(s) :  Celestial Pearl Danio, Galaxy Rasbora

Family : Cyprinidae


Species : Danio margaritatus

Origin : Hopong in Myanmar (Burma)

PH : 6.5 – 7.5

Hardness : Soft to Hard

Temperature : 20 – 26°C / 68–79°F

Maximum Size : 2cm / .8′

Lifespan : 2 years

Aggression Level : Peaceful

Recommended Tank Size : 15-30 Litres +

Strata : Top Half


Will require a densley planted tank. Add some driftwood plants, perhaps some wisteria or ambullia to help replicate their natural environment. You should consider adding Java Moss, this will be great for when they spawn.

Floating plants are suggested and a darker substrate has also been advised.


Angelfish | Barb Betta | African Cichlids | American Cichlids | American Dwarf Cichlids | Bristlenose Catfish | Corydoras Catfish | Tandanus Catfish | Other Catfish | Danios | Whiteclouds | Medakas | Discus | Eels | Flying Fox | Common Goldfish | Fancy Goldfish | Dwarf Gouramis | Large Gouramis | Gudgeons | Guppies | Killifish | Loaches and Botia | Mollies Murray Cod | Oscars and other large Cichlids | Silver and Golden Perch | Plants | Platys | Rainbowfish | Rasbora | Saratoga | Sharks | Silver Dollar | Shrimp / Yabbies / Crabs | Snails | Swordtails | Tetras


Omnivores, in the wild they eat small spineless species, algae, zooplankton and small worms. In the aquarium they will accept a wide range of foods including flake, micro pellets, bloodworms, algae and brine shrimp.


Celestial Pearl Danio Sexing
Celestial Pearl Danio Sexing

Adult male fish have red abdomen and more bright colouring, alpha males have full colored dark blue body and bright red fins. Even the young fish males demonstrate vibrant breed colors when playing with females.

Female Celestial Pearl Danio are paler with yellowish abdomen. Females will also feature almost colourless and transparent abdominal fins (lower social ranked males can also exhibit the transparent abdominal fins.)

Saturation of the fish coloring varies depending on the fish mood and its social rank in a school.


Celestial Pearl Danio males are known for nipping at each other in their school or shoal, there appears to be ongoing and constant competition for the alpha male spot within the group.

Generally they stay close to their shelters or focus on looking for food. They are known to swim sidewise and incline a bit up or down. When they swim fast to get the food or demonstrate aggression towards a rival male fish, they quickly open their fins and show their superiority.

The fish is active and friendly, though a very fearful one. So, you mustn’t keep it with large and aggressive fishes, however the fish gets on well with shrimps and it is perfect for thickly planted small tanks.