Cherry Shrimp 10 for $20
The cherry shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda) is one of the most popular invertebrates around with its vibrant colour, eagerness to breed and ease to keep making it popular in particular for beginner aquarists and also planted tank enthusiasts.
In the wild, Neocaridina heteropoda originate from Taiwan and live in streams and ponds surrounded by densely packed plants and a rocky substrate.
They thrive in densely planted aquariums that have lots of hiding crevices and moss; you can also include some driftwood in the tank as they will nibble the algae from it. They will also eat the plant matter debris which can make up a reasonable part of their diet.
They grow to a maximum of 1.5 inches and last 1-2 years – they will multiply by the hundreds if allry Shrimpowed to do so.
They simply feed on algae wafers very well.