Mystery Snails – $2.50 or 5 for $10


Mystery Snails are a tropical freshwater species of aquarium snail. They range in colour from deep blue to gold and even striped. One inch diameter shell is considered a common size for adult Mystery Snails. They are slow creatures that have a large appetite for organic matter.

Mystery Snails will breed consistently if they are given water and food.  Mystery Snails lay eggs just above the water line of the aquarium. Destruction of these eggs will not prevent the species from reproducing.

Temperature ~21°C  Higher temperatures will increase spawning rates.
pH ~7 | Hardness ~7 Relative water hardness for Mystery Snails should be 7-12dH. They are very adaptable to water hardness
Max Size ~2″
Nitrite 0ppm
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrate <40ppm

Mystery snails will consume algae within the aquarium but will also feed on leftover flake or pellet food (not there should be any!) They eat hair algae and are effective cleaners of aquarium glass and driftwood. In smaller aquariums or with large numbers they will need to be fed extra food.

Mystery Snails will breed in almost all conditions. They rapidly reproduce and can become a nuisance in the aquarium. They consume large amounts of food and grow quickly. Mystery Snail eggs are laid just above the water surface visible to the human eye. Interestingly old aquariums can sometimes have these eggs left attached to the glass. When the aquarium is filled the snails reappear.