Pink Kissing Gourami

Kissing Gourami
Kissing Gourami

Pink Kissing Gourami is a beautiful looking fish originating from the Indonesian island of Java and is also found in Borneo, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

These fish get their name from the manner in which they fight with another of their own species (not so much because they like to kiss fish lol.

In the wild many “Kissing fish” are often found as a silver to green form, very few are found with the pink colour we see in aquarium shops today. But the pink is certainly the most desired in the aquarium trade and the type you will come across most commonly.

Kissers are usually found in slow-moving, heavily vegetated ponds or marshes. They are a hardy fish that will tolerate a range of water conditions. These fish have a hidden structure called the labyrinth organ. It enables them to take oxygen from the air, allowing them to survive in waters with low oxygen levels.

The gills of labyrinth fish are usually not even capable of obtaining enough oxygen from the water to survive. Therefore, they must satisfy most of their oxygen requirements by gulping air at the surface of the water. For this reason, it’s essential to provide them with access to the water surface in all tank zones.

Kissing gouramis have been known to be disagreeable with some species of fish and should not be kept with significantly smaller fish. Although they can be kept in a community tank with medium size fish, owners should observe them closely to ensure they are not bullying others. Potential tankmates may include loaches, barbs, large tetras, some types of cichlids, and some catfish.

To minimise any such behaviours it is suggested you plant the tank out in a reasonable manner. All gouramis appreciate a densley planted aquarium.

Pink Kissing Gouramis do end up getting quite large therefore it is suggested those with a larger tank are far more suited to keeping these fish. In nature, kissers grow to a size of a foot or more, but in captivity, they generally remain about half that size. However, even a small kisser will grow too large for an aquarium smaller than 100 litres, so this species should not be kept in nano tanks. With proper care, it is not unusual for these fish to live well over a decade.

Kissers need warm water, and they need to consume plenty of plant matter. As a habitat, use artificial plants or sturdy live plants such as Java fern or Java moss. Tender live plants are likely to be eaten down to the stem.

Scientific Name : Helostoma temminkii

Common Names : Pink Kissing Gourami; Kissing Gourami; Kissing Fish

Care Level : Easy

Size : 30cm (12 inches)

pH : 6.0 – 8.0

Temperature : 22°C – 28°C (72°F – 82°F)

Water Hardness : 3° to 20° dH

Lifespan : 10 years

Origin / Habitat : Java, Borneo, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Temperament / Behavior : Kissing gouramis have been known to be quarrelsome with some species of fish and should not be kept with smaller fish. Although they can be kept in a community tank with medium size fish. 🙂

Breeding : The male wraps his body around the female, turning her upside down. The female will release hundreds or even thousands of eggs which are fertilized by the male as they rise to the surface.

Aquarium Size : 100 litres minimum

Tank Mates : Loaches, barbs, large tetras, some types of cichlids, and some catfish

Fish Disease : White Spot (Ich)

Diet / Foods : Eat most common aquarium foods. Flakes, frozen, freeze dried and may nibble at some aquarium plants.

Tank Region : Top half

Gender : Almost impossible to determine the sex of these fish until they spawn. At the mating period, the body of the female becomes round as it fills with eggs.