One of the tougher varieties of goldfish available and also one of the most popular is the Comet Goldfish.
Comets feature a wide variety of colour options including, red, white, yellow and black. There is also an “uncoloured” colour which has a similar colour to a bronze cory. Comets have a sleek shaped body with a single tail. Their head is slightly pointed whilst their body is of a similar height and width. All of their fins are paired except the dorsal fin and tail fin.
The Comet Goldfish are very popular amongst cold water aquarists, and are very durable as far as goldfish breeds go. Nitrates should still be kept low and PH should be around 7.5.
Comets can be bought at varying sizes and make great subjects for a bowl, aquarium or outside pond.
Sizes available are usually 5cm, 7cm, 9cm, 12cm and 15cm. Very large specimens need to be ordered – call us on 8336 5062 to find out more.
Common Name: Comet
Scientific Name: Carassius auratus
Minimum Tank Size: 30L
Diet: Omnivore – Flake, Pellet, Frozen, Vegetables
Max Size: 20cm
Life Span: 10 – 20 years
Temperament: Peaceful, social
Compatible with:
- Same species : YES
- Peaceful fish : YES
- Semi-Aggressive : NO
- Shrimps, Crabs, Yabbies, Snails: YES
- Plants: YES/NO – Goldfish will eat many kinds of aquatic plants. Suggest Anubias plants for long term success
Substrate Type: Any – A medium-sized gravel works best.
Lighting Needs: Moderate – normal lighting
Temperature: 10-24C
Range ph: 7.0-8.0
Hardness Range: 5 – 19 dGH
Strata: Visits all areas